handmade mugs from a local artisan showcase the style of Old Orchard, Webster Groves, in this stylish yoga studio and urban retreat
OM Old Orchard is an urban retreat in Webster Groves offering yoga, wellness and restorative yoga near you

Welcome to OM ❤️

OM Old Orchard is your urban retreat in Webster Groves, where you are invited into meaningful experiences on your mat, in your body and with community.

Here’s what we know:

  • Yoga looks different on every body

  • Yoga creates strength and flexibility

  • Yoga (esp. w/ therapy balls) releases tension and supports healthy aging

  • Stillness and pause are essential to balance

  • Hydration supports optimal overall functioning

  • Yoga philosophy reduces anxiety

All of this helps you feel better…

Ready to “feel better”? Start here.

Build your holistic toolkit that takes your wellness beyond the hour class.

Sign up for our small batch, homegrown emails to receive invites to free workshops, our weekly bulletin and that genuine feel good encouragement type content the world needs a little more of these days.

All of our emails are handcrafted, written by our owner and meant to encourage you in mind, body and spirit ❤️

We only sell yoga, not your information.