Hi! Allow me to introduce myself and invite you into the OM Community.

My name is Erin Ford

When I was about 21, I needed relief for anxiety. There was a point where I prayed for “peace of mind” every day for weeks, I finally called my dad and asked him how prayer works.

Specifically, how long does prayer take?

He told me prayer isn’t like “emailing customer service” and waiting for a response…

“The Spirit is active the moment you believe the Spirit is active.” - Dr. Rev. Terry K. Dittmer (my dad)

This rocked my world. I always have the peace I need? I always have the patience I need?

Then what are these feelings of anger, tension and anxiety? Could emotions maybe be something more than something to wait out?

That phone call started a study of the Spirit and of emotion in the body that has spanned two decades; fueling my passion for women’s community. This study founded my workshops & retreats, led me to study yoga philosophy and - ultimately - landed me in my life’s work: creating community as the owner of OM, teaching restorative yoga through all layers of the human experience and guiding you to a stillness you may have never known.

As you check out our schedule and make your way into the studio, know there is no right way or perfect way to begin or continue on your yoga journey.

What we offer you is a place, a genuine greeting and ongoing support so that you can start to figure out what being present really feels like.

(Spoiler: it changes.)

Everybody comes to yoga with a different idea of what feeling better means for them. Stronger. Rested. Connected. Centered. At ease.

The list goes on…

So, let me ask you: What does “feeling better” mean for you?

I look forward to hearing your answer when we meet. - erin